So Troy wants us all to go fishing and I'm not so thrilled. Don't get me wrong fishing is fun but I have so much to do. Tomorrow is Labor day and the kids are off for the day. Troy bought the boys fishing polls so naturally they all want break them in. I know I shoul be alittle more excited about it but I was really looking forward to redecorating the living room. Oh well, I'll just make myself enjoy it.
My parents were here for the weekend. We had a nice visit because the tag-alongs did come with them. I love my sisters and kids, but it gets alittle loud with the extra kids around. So once and a while it's nice to have them all to myself.
Adventures in Motherhood, Wife, Domestic Diva, and a little crafting and sewing.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
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Before the Refashion

1 comment:
Don't feel bad. I feel the same way about going to sports events and fishing. Our kids don't like going fishing AT ALL and sports events are like a guaranteed migraine. It is supremely annoying and I can't stand it, but there I go...the dutiful wife joining her hubby and making herself like it...I guess we are more alike than we knew!!! Also, I understand the ability to visit parents with other siblings around and the noise. It can be hard. It's the same when my younger brother was always around with his kids. I ahve to also add that since my kids are so much older and his kids are REALLY loud and they all whine and complain. THen they start yelling and it is headache city. His kids are three times as loud as sweet little Dallin...and they aren't going through the terrible twos. if that helps the picture a bit!!! Good luck!!!! Today we are just relaxing at a friend's house for a few hours...and then packing. FABULOUS!!!
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