Adventures in Motherhood, Wife, Domestic Diva, and a little crafting and sewing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Busy Little Bee

Can't talk much because I'm busy-busy-busy! The kids want a party for Halloween and I have so many unfinished projects that I have to limit my time on the computer. I hope to let you all know that we are all doing well. Until next time. By the way, one more month until Twilight. Weeeee.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I know this might sound corny but, i bought a black t-shirt, red gems, iron-on decals,and fabric glitter so I could make my very own unique Twilight t-shirt. I'll only wear it to the Twilight movie premier. I'm still thinking about what I'm going to write on it. Troy is going to laugh at me but, I don't care. Tori and my sisters want me to make one for them too. I don't know how it is going to come out. I'll definately take pictures of it. I plan to start on it soon. With my little ones you never know when I'll have time to do so.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hate eating healthy!

I just don't understand why fat from foods have to stick to my gut and thighs. You all know I go to the gym and actually exercise while I'm there, so why is it that i have to work out twice as hard as the girl with the itty-bitty body. Oh did I mention she just had twins.Genetics can be so unfair. I'm not trying to slim down for self-centered reason, I just want to feel comfortable in the clothes I already own. That's all I ask.
Yesturday I took Drew to karate and they had to spar with other students and Drew would not do it. He even started to cry. He has now problem getting into a brawl with his younger brother and sometimes with his older brother, so I couldn't understand it. Troy had a talk with him and he was o.k He said next week he'll do it. We shall see.

Friday, October 3, 2008

UGH! Air conditioning out.

I cannot believe it. My central air unit is on the frits and to top it all off, it's not that cool, and we have a noisy dog next door. Just when you think your finally going to save money something like this happens. Poor Troy thought he was coming home to relax, instead he had to look at our unit. Oh well, I guess it could have been worse.

The kids had their friends over and two of them stayed overnight. I'm sending them home early in the morning because they're early risers and my kids aren't. Besides, our community is having a yard sale and I'm planning on checking out the sales. Troy thinks I'm crazy for going. I love to just look and see if i find any treasures. Hey, my mom brought me up that way. Someday I'll take him and let him look. Who knows he might enjoy it.

Tyler will be starting flag football this coming week. I'm a little afraid of him playing because he's still a bit tender. He inherited his mom's physical abilities or shall I say the lack there of. I'll let you know how well he does.

Before the Refashion